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This site is a free online hymn supplement for Christians who sing a cappella, shape-note music. To help your students focus on the words behind the hymn, add hymn copywork into your lessons. The best part of a hymn study is learning the reason behind why it was written. Learn the backstories of hymns in sites like Hymnary orThe Hymn Society. Print out the hymn sheet music and have your children learn it, whether to sing it, or play it on their musical instruments.
The great hymns of our faith are an excellent resource to teach God’s love and great power. Guide your family into a habit of classical praise and musical worship to our Lord with hymn studies. Whether your child is young or an adolescent, the study of hymns can be geared to their learning capabilities.
I Sing The Mighty Power of God
Yes, task them to be hymn writers, themselves. Make sure your students follow the characteristics of hymns and have them read it/sing them to the family. Appreciating the true essence of classic hymns is an experience for the whole family. Learn how to study hymns with your children for a glance into the world of classical worship and praise to our Lord.
There is a drop down menu to select the song you want to listen to. Pressing the pop-out button will launch the player in separate window so you can listen to the Bible while visiting other sites! You can share a link to play a song on your social media by pressing the share button. Hymns help point Christians of all different ages to God’s Word with music and another Christian’s experience.
The Spacious Heavens Declare
Please note, if there are other items in your order that are not So Long Dixie preorder items, they will not ship until then as well. So Long Dixie Koozie $4.99 This is a preorder. Browse old hymns or even a new hymn online to decide what hymn/hymns you want your children or family to study. Free backing files for 1000's of public domain hymns.
These are instrumental Piano recordings of many Hymns that are in the public domain. The recordings of these Hymns was made by AudioTreasure.comand placed into the public domain in 2005. We believe they can be used without restriction. It received multiple award nominations and the inspirational message reminded us all that we are perfect in God’s eyes. Carrie is the owner & operator of Homeschool Giveaways. She has been homeschooling for over a decade and has successfully graduated her first homeschooler.
What is considered a hymn?
The download links below contain zip file archives of the mp3 files of these hymns. This is a large download and may take some time depending on your connection speed. You should be able to right click an individual song in the playlist and save as on most browsers.

She has two girls and works side by side at home with her awesome husband. She has been saved by grace, fails daily, but continues to strive toward the prize of the high calling of being a daughter of the Most High God. Once your student is familiar with the hymn, challenge them to draw their ideas when hearing the hymns. Have your students write down any unfamiliar words of the hymn and use them as vocabulary words for the week. A good hymn points the hearer towards heavenly things and towards Jesus, towards our Creator.
The Recordings are listed and are available in several ways
Be sure to grab the Free Hymns Copywork Pack. The hymn accompaniments can be used as is, along with slides with the lyrics. Or, you can download the audio, then record a second track with a vocalist. The latter option might help folks sing along at home. This site exist to make legal and restriction free audio Bible files and other resources available to you personal and ministry use.

If in doubt, I have included the recording on the basis that Christian composers would wish their music to be used to the Glory of God. If any copyright holder feels we have infringed their rights, please contact me and I shall remove the recording from this site. The hymns and tunes on this page, new and old, are free to reprint and use. The Audio Bible player above has a playback speed control so you can adjust the music tempo to your preference.
A hymn study immerses a student into the meaning of the words in a hymn and is nudged to study new vocabulary that makes up those hymns. Hymns are a great way for your students to understand the way God works and teaches them solid theology outside of reading the Bible itself. The words of hymns are significant as they depict the writer’s heart in their walk with the Lord.

These traditional hymns are quite different from contemporary praise and worship songs. Each type of song can create a habit of praise in your children, yet hymns are in a league of their own. If you are looking for free hymn study printables, we’ve got a big list for you.
May these worship songs for strength uplift your spirit and grow your trust in the Lord. Inconsistencies in copyright law between countries, and differences in hymnbook copyright notices further complicate the issue. Where copyright was obvious at the time of recording (on my site), I have not included that music on this site.

These popular hymns printables are a good way to dig in to the classic hymns of old alongside the Hymns Copywork Pack. In addition to the hymn copywork, students are tasked to research key facts about the hymn’s songwriter using biography pages. If you have a worship song or hymn that you have written and would like to release to the "public domain" please let us know! So Long Dixie Air Freshener $4.99 This is a preorder. So Long Dixie preorder items will ship for expected domestic delivery on or around November 4, 2022.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
I’ve been looking for recordings like this and I really appreciate your generosity. Hi Sarah, Thanks for sharing these recordings, but copyright is a minefield. He composed the hymn tune Finlandia which is sung to “Be Still My Soul” and “We Rest On Thee.” So Finlandia is NOT in the Public Domain. It us still under copyright in much of the world. The 200 plus song playlist can take some time to fully load.

If your children are young, you can start by singing the hymns and talking about the author. As children get older, dissect the hymn to truly teach your kids in the way that they should go with the beautiful lyrics. This post includes 57 recorded accompaniments that may be freely used in online services. Each audio file has an introduction to the hymn and several stanzas. If you’re in a small church without an easy way to record hymn accompaniments, I hope they will help support your congregation’s online worship. Another task for older kids, especially music students, is to write a hymn of their own.
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